Antonio Ortega FW18-19


Antonio Ortega and his desire for urban shapes

Antonio Ortega

Sinuous curves and straight lines wrap extravagant shapes from an art nouveau that seeks in urban futurism the perfect place for 21st-century women.

Silk and tulle-carved silhouettes turn Antonio Ortega into a futurist artist that has little or nothing to envy in the visionaries from a few decades ago. This Mexican-Canadian designer opts for his own modern combinations for those urban and brave women that defy the passage of time, finding their best weapon of seduction in impossible volumes.

Antonio Ortega

Antonio Ortega paints a feminine silhouette eager for adventure that feels no fear of defying and facing the most critical glances by combining traditional materials with textures specific to more futurist and innovative tendencies, gaining a foothold in the most cosmopolitan metropolis.

Antonio Ortega

Extravagance in yellow and fuchsia tones extends a hand to more sober colours like grey, burgundy and black, which find in feathers, tulle, drapes, and some transparencies a clear reminiscence of the purest of Antonio Gaudí style. Unusual overlaps through extreme contrasts are the material with which Ortega composes a true ode to the craziest and most daring life.

Antonio Ortega

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