Cirque du Soleil. Brilliant marketing strategy!
Canadian company Cirque du Soleil presents exhibitions in Design Museums prior to the disembarkation of their new show in each city. The most famous circus in the world reveals its secrets with “TOTEM, Behind the scenes” at Museu del Disseny in Barcelona. Its motto: “Evoke, invoke and provoke.” Coming from Madrid and Seville, the show will travel from Barcelona to Malaga and Alicante.
It narrates the circus life since its creation, 33 years ago, revealing its most intimate secrets. It shows how costumes and masks are made. They must be even more spectacular than a party suit, more resistant than a mechanic’s overalls and more flexible than the surgeon’s glove. Discover how they build scenarios and how artists make up themselves, after 16 hours of training. We enter the “City of the Circus” in Montreal. Think tank and training for members of this great family (4,000 people in the company), traveling the wide world with their iconic white tent.
The show TOTEM is based on life’s origin, where water plays a vital role. Each acrobacy means something in human history. The scenario imitates a turtle shell, ancestral animal, symbolic in many cultures. The show projects rivers, waterfalls and lakes, with a story emerging from water and raising to heaven. We start submerged, we float, we kneel, we stand, we run and finally we fly. Their challenge: keep surprising the public. And they sure do, show after show, experimenting with water, ice, fire, smoke…
Their project for 2019 will inaugurate in China, with two stands for 1400 people who will be separated and united. A movement full of meaning: we start and end together… fusion of East and West represented by the most universal circus in history.