Crazy for Surrealism

María de Juan

Few artistic movements created quite such a stir as Surrealism, rooted in the realm of dreams, imagination and the absurd.

surrealismo magritteSurrealism is not a school of art but a movement of liberation, a way of rediscovering the language of innocence.

Revolutionary because it is a return to the beginning of all beginnings. Defined by photorealistic precision, abstract figures and fantasy dreamscapes.

surrealismo delvauxSubversive by nature and associated with psychoanalysis and the idea of creating art without conscious thought.

Its ultimate aim, being to reveal the unconscious, the irrational in life.

The 1920s movement found expression in art, literature, film and music.

Boijmans Museum has one of the most important surrealist collections in Europe.

surrealismo miroTheir exhibition, “Crazy for Surrealism” gathers 300 works from four magnificent collections: aristocrat, Edward James, intimate friend and patron of DaliRoland Penrose, artist, poet, historian and key figure in the Surrealist movement; the golfer art collector Gabrielle Keiller, and Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch.

The exhibition is a collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland (Edinburgh) and the Hamburger Kunsthalle (Germany).

surrealismo max ernst

“The mind plunged into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood. The imaginary is what tends to become real” wrote Breton in ”Manifesto du Surrealisme”.

He believed in freeing the artist’s mind, discovering true thoughts ato express them in words or images. The subconscious needs to be explored.

Dreams, childhood and insanity play a key role in the inspiration process.

surrealismo dali couple

“I try to apply colours like words shaping poems, like notes shaping music”
Joan Miró

“A truly poetic canvas is an awakened dream”

“I have always wanted my colours to sing”
Paul Delvaux

“All good ideas arrive by chance”
Max Ernst

“To gaze is to think”
Salvador Dali

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