Neomania #40


María de Juan

Neomania #40 What’s new in 2020?

Welcome to a new decade full of surprises.

According to dazzling technology predictions, this new 2020 is going to be one heck of a year.

Let’s take a quick spin at some of the wonders it has in store, according to the Institute for the Future.

We will control devices via microchips implanted in our brains.

We will create a synthetic brain that functions like the real deal.

Our cars will drive themselves and the new ’flying car’ will be airborne.

A $1,000 computer will have the processing power of the human brain.

Japan will build a robotic moon base.

China will connect Beijing to London via high-speed rail.

Universal translation will be commonplace in mobile devices.

All new screens will be ultra-thin OLEDs.

We’ll finally see some decent AR glasses (Augmented Reality).

Biofuels will be cost-competitive with fossil fuels. It makes political sense not to rely on volatile regions for energy and this push will mean cleaner vehicle fleets.

And Neomania #40 readers will continue to have the joy of looking backwards and forward for the sake of diving into fascinating topics such as the art movements that shaped our times, and exploring the latest and most original creators in art, architecture, fashion, photography, design, film, festivals…

Last year we cried watching Notre Dame burning. The beloved cathedral in Paris were like a sinister prelude of the huge fire flames burning in Australia right now.

But let’s think positive!

Greta Thunberg, a teenage activist, was the person of the year 2019, according to TIME magazine. Make way for the youngest who will change the world for the better.

Personally, I like to remember 2019 as the year when astronomers captured first ever image of a black hole. Darkness is finally visible.

Now we should at last concentrate in searching inwards, exploring the light within, in our own souls… but this maybe a topic too deep for an editorial.

For now, Neomania #40 staff wishes you a fabulous fascinating new decade full of art, light and peace of mind.

Elie Saab
Dames of Impressionism
Franck Sorbier
Peter Li
Zuhair Murad
Stephane Rolland
Shiatzy Chen
Burning Man
Jean Paul Gaultier
Moshe Safdie
Rahul Mishra
Maison Rabih Kayrouz

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